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Jamie Renda
Founder/Content Creator
Jamie Renda is a passionate, conservative, business owner. She has strong convictions in conservative beliefs. She has courageously led the way to our path forward by living her truth and creating real and needed conversations and connecting local leaders with their communities to continue to light the way forward to not just Utah, but the rest of the nation as well.

Joe Kerry
Co Founder/Content Creator
Joseph Kerry is passionate about education and advocacy. Born to a North Korean mom who was forced to flee her home, he had the passion for education instilled in him from a young age. His mother taught him that education was a doorway that would open a lifetime of growth and personal responsibility. He took that lesson and built a career in education. As a professor at a local college, member of the state school board, and founder and board member of other non-profits, he has promoted the importance of education throughout his life.

Ron Williams
Advisory Board Member
Ron Williams is a 7 time Mr. Universe winner and is one of the most decorated bodybuilders in the world and a motivational speaker.

Jaime Wadman
advisory board member
Jaime Wadman is a conservative that focuses on networking and finding solutions. She knows that we must recognize what made America the great nation that it is. We must acknowledge mistakes so that we do not repeat them and look towards a path forward together with our fellow Americans. We can’t be focused on why the other side is wrong but show why conservatism works. America has a republic as its form of government. A republic can only remain healthy if it has the active involvement from its citizenry. A republic is a form of government in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. We have forgotten this as a society and have become disengaged. The sooner we learn that we each have a responsibility to be informed and involved in our communities to keep the government small and more free, the better America will become.

Lucy Shirisia
advisory board member
Lucy Shirisia is a college instructor in the Family, Marriage, and Human Development field. I am a conservative because I believe God should still be a part of our constitution. Morals and values are what make this country great, without those, we will fall like many other nations before.

Cari Bartholomew
Advisory Board Member
Cari Bartholomew is a recent transplant to Utah from Washington State. Believing that Utah would be a great shelter for the culture storm currently sweeping our nation.
Cari is guided by compassion and simple solutions. As a mother, she is a fierce and knowledgeable advocate for students. Cari has been a conservative her entire voting life, not necessarily a Republican, but a true conservative. She believes in and champions the power of the individual encourages merit, and proudly respects our sovereign nation.

Letroy Woods
advisory board member
Letroy is an expert experiential coach, teacher, speaker, and podcaster. Letroy works on the USBE (Utah State School Board of Education) Advisory Committee with the intention of delivering a higher level of conversation to students and parents and working with Utah Path Forward’s studios, he intends to impact the community by having uncomfortable conversations many aren’t having.

Yemi Arunsi
advisory board member
Yemi Arunsi is the former senior advisor to the Secretary of Veteran Affairs.

Ignacio Valdez
Advisory Board Member
Ignacio is originally from Monterrey Mexico and came over to the USA in 2003.
Since he was young, he wanted to be part of the US, and would practice the English language because it was a part of who he was.
When he finally came to the USA, he could not believe how awesome the United States was and how much of liberties people enjoy here.
On November 4th he officially became a United States Citizen, and registered as a Republican, participating in many capacities in the election process in order to learn each and everyone of them.
As he started to get more involved in the process he noticed many things in the political spectrum that really caught his eye. Not just the way people vote, it was also how individuals would get elected, then later on; forget the reasons why they were elected and change their original ways that made them be in office. He also saw many things out there within individuals that sided with different perspectives.
He decided to be on the side of the conservative side due to its leanings towards the US Constitution, The Amendments and the Bill of Rights.

Carlos Moreno
advisory board member
Carlos is the founder of New Leaders of America and was elected as “Distinguished Leader of Utah 2023 by Utah Business Magazine. Coming from Venezuela, Carlos recently became an American citizen!

Marcus Carr
advisory board member
Marcus Carr is the founder of Growing Unified Development. He has a passion for giving youth a leg up so that they are able to have the best future possible.
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